Lemon Garlic Chicken - Dutch Over (DF & GF)
4 diced onions
Lots of diced garlic - more than you think you need
1 C broth - I like low sodium beef broth but anything is fine
2 lemons
One cut into chunks
One slicesd into rounds
Chicken thighs
Oil up the dutch oven and dump in the onions and garlic, give it a stir to coat in oil
Put dutch oven in oven while preheating oven to 375
While preheating, sear chicken thighs on at least one side till just beginning to char
When oven is preheated, remove dutch oven - make sure onions have softened, if not put back in for a few minutes
Put broth, spices and lemon chunks into dutch oven and mix up
Place chicken thighs in and press down so they get partially covered by sauce
Layer lemon rounds on top
Dump mushrooms on top of lemons
Put lid on dutch oven and put back in oven for about an hour
Stir to mix everything in
Confirm chicken is cooked through - I like to serve this over rice